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Boogiericanism Showcase/Performance 
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Meet Delilah Martinez!

Take a sip at the Boogiericanism Bodega


This book is a unique collection of urban poetry, essays and spoken word created to represent Puerto Rican culture in the Bronx and New York City.This colorful anthology consists of a thoughtful compilation of witty and genuine verses that depict the life of a Nuyorican in motion.Take a ride uptown on the 6 train and visit this eclectic memoir created by a proud Boogie Rican.

Puerto Rican and Boogie down Bronx culture are a perfect mix like white rice and beans, to hip hop and tight blue jeans. The rich and eclectic traditions of ethnic lifestyles are recognized here in all its colorful essence. Peek into a world where stereotypes breed success and opportunity is born through adversity. Explore the clever perspectives of a Bronx born Puerto Rican as she travels through life on a subway to self.

Hop on to purchase Boogiericanism!!

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Click the 6 train to jump on and buy BOOGIERICANISM!!

About the Author

Bronx-born Puerto Rican, writer and mentor, Delilah Martinez is the founder/ program director of a non-profit organization called W.I.S.E. Youth (Ways to Inspire Self-Empowerment in Youth) which encourages self-awareness through the arts. Delilah's personal challenges as well as her community efforts were recognized and documented for Columbia University’s New Yorker of the Week in February 2005. She was nominated for 2005's 2nd annual Liz Claiborne Inc. /Safe Horizon Champion Award and was awarded the NYU Presidential Service Award for Volunteerism in April 2006. Delilah Martinez is the single mother of an 8-year-old boy named Elijah who has autism and is presently working on completing her first urban inspirational fiction novel called Spic and Span. She is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Bilingual School Guidance Counseling at New York University. Her presentation of Boogiericanism debuts on April 20, 2006 at N.Y.U. For more information on Delilah Martinez and her endeavors log on to http://boogiericanism.tripod.com or write to her at boogiericanism@hotmail.com.

Delilah Martinez was on The Lenny Matthews Show which has appeared on Time Warner Cable and Cablevision for 25 years. This segment as well as a live performance was taped on
Saturday August 19th, 2006 at 5pm at Sisters Uptown Book Store located at 1942 Amsterdam Avenue New York, N.Y. 10032(212)862-3680
Visit www.sistersculturalstop.com for further details
Autographed copies of her new release Boogiericanism went for sale for the low price of 10$ and are now available for sale at Sisters Uptown Book Store.Contact the author at boogiericanism@hotmail.com for further information, comments or suggestions.  

The LMS Show
Coming Soon!

The LMS Show will air on Manhattan Neighborhood Network on March 8, 2007 at 12:30 am. Check listings on www.mnn.org for further viewings and details. Come back soon for the show's link on the site. Please enjoy!!
Click the box below as
Nation of Size.com presents a
Video showcase featuring an
Interview and Performance
by Delilah Martinez
Now Available!!



New York City Walk for Autism Research

Save the Date!

Sunday, June 4, 2007

Battery Park, Castle Clinton

New York, NY

Registration begins at 9:00 am

Walk starts at 10:30 am

You can register online at www.autismwalk.org/nyc

About NAAR and Autism Speaks

On February 1, 2006, NAAR and Autism Speaks joined forces in the fight against autism. Both founding families share one vision, one goal: to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders.

We are dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals, families, and society; and to bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder. We are committed to raising the funds necessary to support these goals.

Autism Speaks aims to bring the autism community together as one strong voice to urge the government and private sector to listen to our concerns and take action to address this urgent global health crisis. It is our firm belief that, working together, we will find the missing pieces of the puzzle.

To get informed or get involved, visit www.autismspeaks.org.

Autism Speaks. It's time to listen.

Please return this form by mail to the address listed below or fax to 609-For more information about our walk, visit www.autismwalk.org/nyc.

NAAR & Autism Speaks �� 99 Wall Street �� Princeton, NJ 08540 �� (888) 777- 6227


All proceeds from the royalties from Boogiericanism will go to Autismspeaks.org

Please get in touch to offer comments and join my mailing list for special events and upcoming releases!

You can e-mail me at:

Press Play for music

copyright 2006 DM All rights reserved.